The Last Personal Trainer You'll Ever Need

Are you a high achiever in work and business but struggling to reach the same level in health and fitness?

Imagine This:

  • A physique that turns heads, no matter what you're wearing
  • Achieving your dream body without sacrificing your favorite foods, desserts, or drinks, and without spending endless hours in the gym
  • Friends and family asking, "How do you eat everything and still stay fit?"
  • Running 5-10km (or even more) effortlessly and pain-free
  • Mastering bodyweight pull-ups with confidence
  • Embarking on epic hikes and adventures without doubting your fitness level
  • Climbing stairs or playing with your kids without getting out of breath
  • Tackling bigger projects and challenges at work with unwavering energy levels

This isn't just a dream ā€“ it's your future. And I'm here to guide you there.


Meet Pyry Liukkonen

The Last Personal Trainer You'll Ever Need

Hi, I'm Pyry Liukkonen ā€“ a coach, trail runner, lifter, dog lover, outdoor explorer, and sauna enthusiast.

As an online personal trainer, I'm passionate about helping people gain confidence in their physical abilities, move pain-free, and unlock boundless energy and vitality.

My Mission

My goal is to be a positive force in your life, enabling you to live fully and achieve your highest potential. Many years from now, I want you to look back and know that working with me was one of the best investments you ever made.

Proven Results

The transformations and testimonials speak for themselvesā€”I've helped countless individuals lose fat, build muscle, and achieve their fitness goals. That's nice, but what I really pride myself on is my ability toĀ help people achieve sustainable results. I'm like a driving instructor. The goal is to empower you with the skills and knowledge so that one day, you won't need me anymore.

Your Health, Your Life

Your health and fitness are crucial to your quality of life. Imagine the adventures you could embark on if pain or fitness were no longer barriers. Picture yourself with more energy on the weekends, ready to enjoy your hard-earned wealth.

Imagine yourselfĀ confident in your body's appearance, where would you go, and who would you meet? Consider the impact on your family and friends as you set a positive example for health and fitness.

You Only Live Once

I know, it's a cliche. However, it's true.

Your best self is waiting. Your family, friends, colleagues, and competitors deserve to see you at your best.

I've developed my programs to help you achieve this. Let's unlock your potential together.

Your Next Step: Programs Designed For Your Success

Online Personal Training

Build sustainable habits, learn life-long skills and transform your body permanently.

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Coach Pyry Training App

Discover easy-to-follow workouts, level up with thorough demonstration videos and track your progress.

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Breathe Sleep Perform

Put your best face forward, boost focus, energy, stress tolerance and productivity, and reduce stress by optimising your sleep quality, breathing efficiency and airway patency with the one-of-a-kind Breathe Sleep Perform Program.

Learn More

All Enquiries

Fill out this form, and Pyry will get in touch ASAP!