5 Ways To Stick To Your New Year's Goals

goals performance personal trainer wellness Dec 26, 2021
personal trainer, wellness, performance

 Most people's New Years resolutions never come to fruition because there is a gap between their intentions and actions.

My top 5 tips for ensuring your health and fitness goals become a reality in 2022 are:

1. Start With Wellness

When you prioritise your health, you get more energy to work towards any goal in life.

2. Set SMART Goals

SMART goals are Specific, Measurable, Actionable, Realistic and Time-Bound.

3. Hire a Professional

The value of a mentor is that they can save you time, money and effort by taking you to your goals as quickly as possible. 

4. Take Advantage Of The Compound Effect

Small and seemingly inconsequential habits accumulate over time into significant steps towards or away from your goals.

5. Consistency Is King

Long term consistency beats short term intensity ten times out of ten.

Listen to this episode today for a more detailed explanation and specific action items on each tip.



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Thank you so much for your attention and participation in the podcast in 2021. I hope that you are as excited for 2022 as I am.

I wish you great holidays and a happy New Year.

This is Coach Pyry. Let's do this!

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